Now that I have my beloved sewing machine, I am now A Person Who Peruses Craftsites. Wow. I did not see that coming... But indeed, I find I am constantly on the look-out for easy projects that I can sew. Because I have yet to take a sewing class.
But I did find a few links to making cloth napkins, which was exciting to me. Because, really. How hard can it be to make a square piece of cloth? It seems like something even I could do. I already have a stash of cloth napkins (that I, ahem, purchased from Amazon. Cough, cough.), but I do feel like we're a little short on napkins sometimes. You'd be amazed at how many napkins two little kids can go through. Or maybe not.
But then I was really excited to find this link from Sew Mama Sew on how to make cloth napkins from your fabric scraps! (That's a picture of her finished napkins at the top of this post.) Now that's ingenious! Double-environmentalism! You're making a durable good from reused materials! This is upcycling in action. Now.... I just need to have sewed (sewn?) enough to generate a decent amount of scraps...
If you're a sewer, what were some of your first projects?
I've been doing the same thing... I have a list of blogs and websites that I frequently check and have gotten tons of great ideas. Now I just have to find the time to do them.