So one of my fears is that I'll be stopped on the street one day and David Letterman will ask me to name the Three Stooges (whom, even though I detest, I can still name). And then he'll ask me to name three Supreme Court Justices. Let's put aside the fact that I don't live in New York, so I'm not likely to be sauntering past the Late Show headquarters.
While I'm sure I'd eventually come up with three, it seems a bit shameful that I don't know all nine. After all, I can remember all nine planets in our Solar System (well, now eight, I guess. Poor Pluto. Added for clarification: It seems that Pluto was down-graded to a dwarf-planet and we gained two other dwarf planets. Oh wait, two more. I just can't keep track of this stuff...). And so, I've taken it upon myself to memorize all of their names. And, recognizing that My Very Earthly Mother Just Sat Upon Nine Porcupines worked for me for years, I set out to create a mnemonic for the nine Supreme Court Justices. And this is what I came up with: Their Supreme Rulings Give Some Killers A Bad Sentence.
Alright, so it's not nearly as exciting as "My Very Earthly Mother...", but it gets the job done. Here we go:
Their = Thomas, Clarence
Supreme = Stevens, John Paul
Rulings = Roberts, John (Chief Justice, BTW)
Give = Ginsberg, Ruth Bader
Some = Sotomayor, Sonia
Killers = Kennedy, Anthony
A = Alito, Samuel
Bad = Breyer, Stephen
Sentence = Scalia, Antonin
As an after-thought, I Googled "supreme court mnemonic," and came upon this one, which I think is much more original. But alas, it's now out of date. But then, Flocabulary goes and one-ups me with a mnemonic that helps you remember the order in which the justices were nominated!
Studying Scandals Keeps The Giant Bride Robots All Sober
Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, Ginsburg, Breyer, Roberts, Alito, Sotomayor
"Giant Bride Robots?" WTF? But whatever works for ya, now you're prepared for that Man on the Street nightmare...
PS - I realize that the tie to nurturing the family and environmental issues may be tenuous, but I figure 1) in order to teach my kids anything, I need to know it first and 2) Environmental issues often involve laws. Oh, and it's fun to write about something different once in a while. So I got all crazy and wrote about the Supreme Court justices. Wow.
PPS - After trying to remember the above mnemonic all day, it just wasn't working. Instead, I came up with one that names them in alphabetical order: A Blond Girl Kissed Ross, So She Stayed True. While a bit person-specific, this is working for me much better!
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